Tuesday 9 June 2015

Welcome. Let take a walk.

-Our world!
This is our world. It is flat. Green. And surrounded by water.
I'm god. I will create dinosaurs. And watch them live.-Antony

We are going to go back in time.
When nature ruled the earth, instead of us.When the force and power of life was left unmolested.

Welcome to Jurassic park operation genesis.

I will be following the life and times of the dinosaurs.
I will attempt to recreate various environmental pressures. Animal reproduction. And evolution.

I am going to create a world for our dinosaurs.
And we are going to sit back and watch!
This is real. Everything else you see is false.

Earth is flat.

Our world!
This is our world. It is flat. Green. And surrounded by water.
I'm god. I will create dinosaurs. And watch them live.

The game will begin with small and basic life.
I will aim to introduce dinosaurs from the Jurassic and then move on to Cretaceous and late Cretaceous. All while the dinosaurs bread,hunt,die and even become extinct.

The game map will all be separated by zones or habitats.
The purpose is to represent continents and geographical restrictions.
Of course there will be holes in the mountains that dinosaurs can escape through.

So for example. Lets say a Dilophosaurus escapes the top left zone. And makes it into the bottom valley.
He may experience a longer life span. Due to lack of predators. (A threat from his home zone).
If another Dilophosaurus makes it out. They are then aloud to bread in the new zone.
Therefore starting a new colony in a new zone.

Lets take a look at the zones.

Zone 1: Asianna
Zone 2: Merica
Zone 3: Africana

Zone 1. Asianna will feature extremely dense jungle, hills. And a few water spots.

Who knows what kind of life will flourish in this zone.
But next. Lets take a look at Merica.

Merica is large and diverse. It features many great lakes. A well spread out quantity of trees.
And the rocky mountains!

Land of the free
The great lake and shitty palm trees.

The rocky mountain. Because here. Bigger is better. Merica!

And finally. The great big Africana!
You can see from the map, i  drew 2 lines.
Africanna is split into 3 zones.

Top, middle and bottom.

Bottom of Africana

The bottom of Africanna will be wet marsh land.

The center of Africana

The middle of Africana is a massive forest.
And lastly. The top.
The great plains of Africa.... i mean Africana

And so there you have it.

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